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  • Writer's pictureThe Night Owl

Day 2.

Updated: Sep 15, 2020

30 days Authentic Movement Challenge Project - Ann Way

Day 2 (23 July 2017)

Great Barrier Island, New Zealand


Day 2 with June.

I start to practice the Authentic Movement (AM) today early in the morning with J. Different time zone. Different location. A little troublesome from the technology. Skype is today option.

Online. This is how we do the practice. It works for me. It works for J. It works for people who is far away from each other. When Anne and Connor started the AM online courses early this year, I was over the moon. How I am feeling so loved and connected even I am alone here, in my beautiful island dancing around the room in front laptop and camera. Does it sound crazy enough? Ah ha. People can tell I am weird but I am just an ordinary artist. What is the different of dancing in public and in front of a camera anyway. Just dance!



Drawing from J.

Drawing from me.

Day 2. Stability and Connectivity.

--- If you are interested in my movement video, please leave your comments starting "I am the witness who see or feel" or uploading a drawing/sketch/writing how you witness my movement or a video of you doing Authentic Movement and tag me in with hashtag

#30daysAuthenticMovement. Videos duration will be around 15-20 minutes.

Close your eyes and move your body without music, just your inner-self. This project is for me and you, to honor the practice and create more awareness of the Authentic Movement in practice via social media around South East Asia and Australasia. Regards, Ann - The Night Owl Art ---

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